
Your Secure Communication Hub 

Save time, effort & cost with a ready accelerator, customizable as per your needs. 

What Is InteractIQ

An admin-controlled audio, video and text chat for customer communications holds the potential to significantly improve outcomes for businesses in the form of – enhanced collaboration, better operational efficiency, improved customer engagement, organized record keeping, strengthened management & a lot more! Yet, many businesses struggle to realize these benefits due to challenges such as feature development, resource allocation, device compatibility, and diversion from core activities.

FIRMINIQ’s industry-agnostic accelerator, InteractIQ eliminates these obstacles, enabling more efficient communication management. It empowers your admin to handle calls and ensure they reach the right person while maintaining organized records. Furthermore, InteractIQ is a highly customizable chat widget offering quick setup, transparent record-keeping, improved responsiveness to customers, and more.

Key Features & Benefits

Features Benefits
Exclusive admin-controlled communication
Eliminate unwanted calls
Manage customers efficiently
Scheduling Ease of coordination
Push notifications Prevent important updates from slipping through the cracks
Multiple-admin accounts Ease of management with scaling staff
Record keeping & tracking
Compliance with regulations
Detailed analytics Identify trends & improve customer service
Multi-device support Improved accessibility
Choice of chat (audio/video/text/combination) Convenience
Customized branding of the chat widget Creates a sense of familiarity
Group chat Improved coordination within the team
Convenience of customizing (features available to customers, users’ permissions, chat flows, etc.) Better adaptability

Empowering Organisations Spanning Across Sectors


Improve care communication, engage with patients, navigate regulations.


Connect educators and learners, promote equal access.

Research & Development 

Collaborate for breakthroughs, streamline communication.

Government Services 

Enhance government-citizen
communication, ensure


Improve customer connectivity, streamline orders.

Finance & Banking 

Boost financial sector connections for better services.

What Differentiates InteractIQ

Efficient Admin Operations Management at Scale 

Elevate your admin operations capabilities at scale with an accelerator that streamlines communication, providing a powerful solution that lets them effortlessly manage incoming inquiries, ensuring top-notch customer service and efficient operations. 

Plug & Play Integration 

Seamlessly integrate the accelerator with your existing systems and workflows, allowing for a hassle-free setup that quickly enhances your business operations without disrupting your current processes. 

Flexible & Cost-effective  

Choose from a range of engagement models that suit your business needs, providing the flexibility to scale and customize the solution according to your preferences while ensuring cost-effectiveness and affordability. 

Filter-out Unwanted Interactions 

Keep track of all communications while filtering out unwanted interactions from customers. Also, save chat history for reference and compliance with the regulatory requirements.