Cloud and DevOps

Automate, Accelerate & Secure Your Development Infrastructure

Boost your software development, automate processes, and rebuild your infrastructure by bringing together the engineers and IT experts.
Featured Clients

Build and Deploy applications faster with
our AWS Cloud Services

AWS Consulting

As your AWS Cloud Consulting partner, we help you define a cloud computing strategy while keeping your business needs in mind. Our certified AWS architects will provide you with recommendations and guidance for designing and deploying high-availability architectures on AWS helping you avoid redundancy in cloud deployment and the tenancy cost.

AWS Cloud Architecture
and Design

Aligned with the organization’s strategies, workflow, and goals, we build a cloud architecture and design that you can always rely on. From application architecture to network design, security design, and scaling, our robust team helps you build futuristic cloud infrastructure. You can efficiently optimize resources and build a compact base for your IT infrastructure!

CI/CD Services

With our continuous integration and deployment services, we automate the entire delivery cycle and revamp development snags. Integrated code shared in the common repository ensures prompt project delivery, eliminates error, code refactoring, and enables iterative work.

Managed Devops

Accelerate your delivery and develop efficient software with managed DevOps services. From prototyping to testing and delivery, experts at FIRMINIQ are highly specialized and ensure the quality of CI/CD pipeline to smartly automate the processes.


From designing cloud infrastructure to monitoring, optimization, and security audits of the environment we are an agile and expert team of solution architects capable of delivering value to the customers. We are here to help you drive business growth and product success!Our Cloud & Stack DevOps Tech

  • Compute
  • Storage
  • Networking
  • Security
  • Automation
  • Monitoring
  • Analytics
  • Quality Engineering








Quality Engineering

Case StudiesWe’ve helped innovators across industries build and grow with our need-focused approach coupled
with new-age technologies. Have a look at our latest success stories.

View All Case Studies

Certified Experts

We have an amazing team of experts and professionals who create innovative products and applications while focusing on efficiency and security. Choose us as your reliable partner and see the difference we bring out!

24×7 Customer Support

Our AWS cloud experts are available round the clock to the customers and can meet your core security and compliance requirements making processes streamlined.

Prompt Project Delivery

We offer complete automation that eliminates your repetitive tasks and further prompts the release of applications and features with our CI/CD pipeline.

Cost-optimized and Secure Services

With our robust services, we allow you to harness the power of Cloud and our DevOps team at an affordable price.

Disaster Recovery

With efficient strategies, we ensure to recover all your data and have the right backup plans even if it is lost via the records in our cloud environment.

Why Choose FIRMINIQ as your Reliable Cloud DevOps Partner

Client Testimonials

“They’ve become our main strategic partner for all our development work. The quality of their services is their most impressive trait. They meet the deadlines most of the time and stay on budget.”
Executive Director and Head of Software DevelopmentA Global Medical Device Manufacturer
“FIRMINIQ define accurate estimates and stick to what’s agreed upon. The team was very realistic about timelines, which was great. They delivered on budget and was able to stick to the timeline they had promised.”
Head of Product DevelopmentA Global Digital Agency