Boosting Performance of Unified Fitness Platform that Makes Working Out at Home More Fun!

Client Background

The client is a global fitness platform provider and aimed to ease the home workout processes while making fitness accessible for everyone. Founded in 2016, the platform gained immense popularity with amazing fitness products including treadmills and indoor bikes it offers with intuitive tracking metrics.
No matter how hectic your schedule is, the platform is an entire ecosystem with offerings like online video streaming, live workout classes, dietician consultation, personal trainers and more. One of the USP that differentiates the platform is the multiplayer game, where one player can virtually compete with another while they exercise. The startup within no time gained massive popularity and was then acquired by

Project Overview

The client already has the web-based eCommerce platform where they are selling their fitness products, however, they faced several challenges in terms of customer satisfaction, website performance, and customer retention. We analyzed the existing architecture to help improve its performance and drive business growth.

Business Requirements

The overall requirement of the project was to improve the performance, scalability, and maintainability of the existing platform. The customer also wanted to ensure performance monitoring.


  1. Data security was a critical challenge.
  2. Migration of the existing website from ReactJS to Next JS.
  3. Implementing extensible Microservice architecture.
  4. Implementing application monitoring proactively.


After understanding the pain points and the competition, our team implemented microservices architecture, application performance monitoring and real-time alerts, analyzed the MongoDB performance and more to overcome the challenges to enhance users and sales.

We could solve their problem by simply thinking out-of-the-box, introducing them with the best features and the models they rely on.

Here is what we did:

01. Implemented Microservice Architecture
With the implementation of microservice architecture, it became much easier for the client to expand and scale. With a host of benefits including enhanced productivity, resiliency, scalability and optimized business functionality, the client was able to fulfill all their goals.

02. Improved the API Performance
With the Rest API performance tuning we helped cut the performance issues when the website scales. It seamlessly helped them manage thousands of concurrent users without affecting the loading speed.

03. Implemented Application Performance Monitoring
We successfully implemented app performance monitoring that helped seamlessly track the performance, availability, end-user experience and more. It helped them solve even the smallest of issues sooner, letting it run seamlessly.

04. Analyzed the MongoDB Performance
We worked on the MongoDB performance tuning to support client databases at scale when there was an immense transaction volume.

05. Successfully Migrated to Next JS
With a successful migration to Next JS, we helped them boost their SEO and especially the page loading speed. With automatic routing and code splitting, we helped them take their website to the next level.


By partnering with us for this project our client was able to get the following results.

Scalable Architecture
We helped clients build a scalable and secure architecture that could easily handle huge volume of concurrent users on the platform.

Quick Page Load Time
Got the desired response time with the RESTful APIs that lead to a quick page loading speed for their website.

Performance Monitoring
With the performance monitoring tools implementation, they could easily be able to find the issues and that led to a quick turnaround time.

SEO Optimized User Interface
With the successful migration to Next JS, we helped them boost the SEO. From the right website architecture, to responsiveness, content and keyword optimization, page load speed, responsiveness we helped improve website performance and ranking.