DevOps process implementation to reduce production downtime and accelerate delivery

Client Background

Client is a leading name in the healthcare industry and aims to improve the lives of people with their services and contribute to a better society. With competent technologies and reliable healthcare devices like blood pressure monitors, body fat monitors, digital thermometers, respiratory devices, upper arm, and wrist pedometers, they offer a connected ecosystem that streamlines remote patient monitoring.

Project Overview

The customer has developed a product with serverless architecture consisting of cloud-based web and mobile applications to present healthcare data to users. The objective was to streamline delivery of the code to the infrastructure while employing standard DevOps practices using CI/CD pipelines.

Business Requirements

Streamline Delivery with DevOps
The client wanted us to streamline the delivery process and automate their engineering processes in order to speed up the delivery process and avoid redundancy.

100% Up Time
The client wanted us to segregate the deployment services so that modules do not need any code upgrades at the same time. This ensures that the app is never out of service and the downtime can be reduced.


01. Designed a CI/CD Pipeline
Using GitHub as a source code repository and AWS Code Dev tools as a CI/CD orchestration tool, DevOps team at FIRMINIQ designed a CI/CD pipeline to accelerate the processes of developing, testing and releasing the updates and bug fixes for the Customer’s web applications based on Node JS.

02. Replication of Runtime Environments
The same deployment scripts were used to deploy the code base in Dev, QA, Stage, Production, and other environments, ensuring 100% replication of runtime environments and infrastructure for the applications. Our team managed close to 200 pipelines that cater to multiple microservices supporting various modules of customer applications.


Our team was able to deliver the following outcomes for the client:

High Reliability
With the DevOps implementation, there was a high reliability of deployment and in the case of disruptions, it offered ease of recovery.

Reduction in Production Runtime and Bugs
Our solution ensured that all the environments have similar runtime architecture as well as codebase allowing early detection of bugs and helping reducing the production downtime by a great deal.