Wearable Mobile App Solution to Reduce Blood Pressure Related Diseases

Client Background

Client is a dominant name in the medical devices industry. They offer innovative healthcare solutions and develop medical devices like blood pressure monitors, body fat monitors, digital thermometers, respiratory devices, upper arm, and wrist pedometers. These devices offer a connected ecosystem that streamlines patient monitoring even outside the clinical premises.

Project Overview

To develop a connected health mobile app to support features of their continuous wearable blood pressure monitor in the US, EU, and Japan. The device is a wearable blood pressure monitor designed in the innovative form of a wristwatch and is registered with the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) as a medical device.

Business Requirements

Bluetooth Pairing with Data Transfer
To help them with Bluetooth enablement so that pairing and transfer of crucial data is made easy. The device supports blood pressure readings, step count, and sleep patterns.

Notifications on the Device
To display all the notifications on the wearable device from the phone. This includes email, message and phone call.

Integrate with Mixpanel
Integrating the app with Mixpanel to collect usage analytics for a better learning and experience for the in-app users.

Graphical Display for Device Readings
The application must display device readings in a graphical view for clear understanding to the users.

Push Notifications
To support push notifications to the user to share insights and other stats

Support Multiple Languages for Launch in US, EU, and Japan
To launch the application in the USA, EU, and Japan and support multiple languages offering ease to the users for reading.


Aggressive Timeline Considering the Scope
The client gave us a deadline of 4 months to deliver them a connected health mobile app that supports the features of their wearable watch including – blood pressure readings, steps, and sleep.

Data Security and Regulations
Ensure that we are on top of data privacy and follow all the compliance regulations that ensure the safety and privacy of their sensitive information.

Setting up a Large Offshore Team from Grounds up
Set up an entire offshore development and quality analysis team from scratch. From interviewing candidates for the skills to successful onboarding, we were responsible for everything.


01. Developed an SDK to Streamline Data Transfer
We developed an SDK that acted as a bridge between the device and the mobile application that streamlined the process of data transfer, and communication via the Bluetooth pairing.

02. Firebase Cloud Messaging
As per the need, we used Firebase cloud messaging for the push notifications offering a reliable and efficient connection between the server and the device for the in-app messages.

03. Data Security and Sync
For data security, we implemented encryption and security best practices to synchronize data with the cloud. The vital readings measured by devices are in synchronization via Bluetooth, and the information is sent to the cloud in real time. Users can share readings with physicians, friends, and family from within the app.


Faster Turnaround
The mobile application was launched within 4 months considering the extensive scope of work.

Real Time Data Sync
App enables continuous monitoring of user’s vital information with real time data sync in the cloud.

Global Launch
The application was launched globally around the USA, UK and Japan and could support multiple languages offering ease to the users for reading.

Comprehensive Feature Support
The app developed by us supported all the features of the wearable and kept users informed of their health conditions.

Graphical UI for Device Readings
We developed an app that was able to display the device readings in a graphical format and give a clear picture to the users. The attractive dashboard displays the reading history in insightful graphics.