Comprehensive Manual QA Services for a Web Portal Used by Physicians for RPM 

Client Background

The client is an internationally recognized frontrunner in the realm of medical devices used for health monitoring and therapy. They hold the top position as the leading brand for digital blood pressure monitors worldwide. Additionally, the company offers comprehensive healthcare solutions, encompassing mobile apps, remote patient monitoring solutions, and connected ecosystems that facilitate a robust healthcare infrastructure connecting doctors, hospitals, patients, and healthcare support staff.

Project Overview

The project aimed to perform end-to-end manual testing on the client’s physician portal, which is a critical component of their remote patient monitoring solution. Our QA team was responsible for ensuring the portal’s functionalities, including seamless real-time data flow from connected medical devices to the hospital EMR system, and maintaining an identical experience across multiple web browsers. Additionally, the team was tasked with creating comprehensive documentation in compliance with the client’s Quality Management System (QMS) and relevant regulatory requirements.

Business Requirements

The project entailed setting up a test strategy, assembling a dedicated team to QA experts and selecting the apt testing tools to perform thorough testing of the physicians’ web portal supporting the remote patient monitoring solution.


Agile Team Formation
Establishing a proficient Agile QA team that could effectively collaborate and integrate with the existing development processes posed a significant challenge. The QA team had to align their testing efforts with rapid development cycles to ensure seamless product iterations.

Multiple Roles, Access & Browsers
The web portal, designed to support various roles and access levels, presented a complex testing scenario. Moreover, ensuring an identical user experience across multiple browsers and devices required meticulous attention to detail and extensive testing.

Documentation Compliance
The client’s Quality Management System (QMS) and regulatory requirements demanded thorough and accurate documentation throughout the QA process. Preparing comprehensive documentation from both perspectives, while keeping pace with the dynamic project proved to be a continuous challenge.

Real-time Flow of Data
Testing the seamless flow of data from the medical devices used by patients at home to the hospital’s EMR system in real-time introduced complexities. The QA team needed to verify data accuracy, transmission efficiency, and system reliability to ensure patient health data was secure and accessible to healthcare professionals without any delay.

Test Financial Calculations for Medicaid & Medicare
Our team was expected to perform meticulous testing of financial calculations and claims processing as required by Medicaid and Medicare. This was required to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the web portal’s billing functionalities.


Skilled Manual Testing Team
A dedicated team of skilled manual testers was handpicked to tackle the challenges of testing the physicians’ web portal supporting remote patient monitoring. The team adapted to work collaboratively in an Agile environment, ensuring efficient communication and flexibility.

Comprehensive Test Strategy
A well-defined test strategy was formulated to cover all aspects of the web portal, including order and shipping of medical devices, integration with Healthcare Systems (e.g., EPIC) for data flow, financial calculations for claims, support for role-based access, seamless data flow from connected medical devices and thorough reporting of statistics.

Integrated Tools
The team leveraged several tools in tandem with development tools to streamline the testing process and automatically generate QMS documentation, reducing manual efforts and ensuring compliance.

Continuous Test Data Improvement
We implemented a strategy to continuously enhance and update test data during each sprint, enabling the team to validate different scenarios effectively.


High-Quality Continuous Releases
The rigorous efforts resulted in high-quality releases every two weeks, promoting a stable and reliable physician portal for RPM.

On-Time Deliveries & Releases
With efficient collaboration and continuous communication with the development team, our QA team consistently met release schedules, ensuring timely deliveries.

Comprehensive Progress Reports
Detailed reports were generated throughout the testing process, providing continuous visibility of the project’s progress to all stakeholders.

Seamless Communication & Collaboration
Our QA team continuously communicated with the development team, fostering a collaborative environment, and effectively addressing any issues that arose.