Backend & Middleware

backend engineeringEnsuring the product has a strong foundation to succeed & scale.

Featured Clients

Delivering backend
engineering excellenceLeverage our in-depth knowledge and extensive experience to ensure a robust backend for your product.

Product Architecture Consulting

Our approach to software architecture planning for each product involves detailed requirement gathering, in-depth research, scoping &
estimations. Based on the analysis and our extensive experience; our architects suggest the best ways to leverage AWS.

Effectuating Security & Compliance

Security & compliance is top on our list while we are structuring the backend & infrastructure for the product. We ensure implementation of best practices including robust authentication frameworks, API gateways, encryption of sensitive data and more.

Languages & Frameworks

Our skilled team brings with them expertise across an array of languages & frameworks. Based on the business requirements, architectural inputs and the use-case applicability matrix, we give you complete assistance in narrowing down to the appropriate choice. Our team ensures that regardless of the choice, the product is able to leverage the full potential of the language & framework.

Database Decision

We offer complete assistance & support in deciding the database for your product. Our team has expertise in an array of databases & can suggest using SQL or NoSQL as per your requirements.

API Development & Integrations

Our skilled team has extensive experience in middleware development & integration with several third-party APIs to assist you as per requirements.


We offer complete assistance in leveraging Microservices to architect backends that scale by establishing effective deployment, orchestration & communication.


Our serverless consulting & product development ensures you leverage AWS serverless data stack to its full potential.

Additional Capabilities

Our comprehensive backend services include provisioning for additional tiers within the applications including caching & queuing systems.

Case Studies

We’ve helped innovators across industries build and grow with our need-focused approach coupled with new-age technologies. Have a look at our latest success stories.

View All Case Studies

Technical Expertise

FIRMINIQ is considered a mature organization having extensively built backend systems that scale,
working with AWS, Microservices, different databases, languages & more. We have the requisite
knowledge & expertise needed to accomplish complex backend engineering with ease. Our
experience working with large scale projects involving multiple and complex systems gives us an

Security First

For us, security & compliance comes first while working on the backend of the products we build.
With in-depth understanding of access control procedures, API key generation, security protocols &
compliance standards; we ensure everything is in place to keep your data secure.

Constant Contact

We work for global clients and aim to be in constant contact accommodating the time-zone
difference with our global delivery centers. Since robust backend engineering lays a strong
foundation of the product, we leave no stone unturned to assist & support.

Proactive Approach

Our team ensures we carefully monitor the overall system to identify & fix issues before things get
out of control. While working in a global dynamic environment, we believe this our responsibility to
offer value to our clients.

Why FIRMINIQ for Backend Engineering?

Client Testimonials

“They’ve become our main strategic partner for all our development work. The quality of their services is their most impressive trait. They meet the deadlines most of the time and stay on budget.”
Executive Director and Head of Software DevelopmentA Global Medical Device Manufacturer
“FIRMINIQ define accurate estimates and stick to what’s agreed upon. The team was very realistic about timelines, which was great. They delivered on budget and was able to stick to the timeline they had promised.”
Head of Product DevelopmentA Global Digital Agency