7 Vital Factors that Ensure Success of Test Automation Framework in Connected Healthcare

In the ever-evolving healthcare landscape where technology and patient care intersect, ensuring the reliability and effectiveness of the applications is of paramount importance. To ensure the same, test automation has emerged as a turning point that helps thoroughly assess the system and streamline the processes, enhances speed, and offers error-free results.  “The global automation testing… Continue reading 7 Vital Factors that Ensure Success of Test Automation Framework in Connected Healthcare

Automation Testing for Connected Health Mobile Apps: When, Why & How Should You Go About It?

As a burgeoning startup in the connected health industry, you have successfully developed an exceptional connected health mobile app that caters to a growing user base. Initially, your agile development approach allowed for quick testing and swift responsiveness to user needs. However, as your user base expands and the app becomes enriched with new features,… Continue reading Automation Testing for Connected Health Mobile Apps: When, Why & How Should You Go About It?

Improving Quality of Connected Health Mobile Apps Through Automation Testing

Mobile apps have become integral to the realm of connected health, facilitating enhanced patient care and improving healthcare outcomes. Maintaining the quality of connected healthcare apps is of paramount importance due to its significant impact on patient safety, data integrity, and overall healthcare outcomes. These apps serve as crucial tools for patient care, remote monitoring,… Continue reading Improving Quality of Connected Health Mobile Apps Through Automation Testing