AWS DynamoDB – How to Design Relationships

In my previous article, I’ve described some of the AWS DynamoDB data modelling best practices. In this article, I will continue data modelling with specific focus on handling relationship between different entities of the data. Despite the fact that NoSQL databases don’t support any joins like relational databases, these relationships have to be handled carefully in… Continue reading AWS DynamoDB – How to Design Relationships

Front End – Planning and Building “a performance driven and SEO friendly website” – Part III

This is the last post in the series of planning and building a performance driven and SEO friendly website. Despite this series focused on website development, this series can be referred and practiced for an understanding of main aspects of any front end and back end development. In this post, we will look at the… Continue reading Front End – Planning and Building “a performance driven and SEO friendly website” – Part III

Front End – Planning and Building “a performance driven and SEO friendly website” – Part II

This is the third post in the development best practices series. In previous two posts, the first post ( JavaScript Development Best Practices ) was focused on overall perspective of the best practices. With second post ( Front End – Planning and Building “a performance driven and SEO friendly website” ) , I attempted to cover the detailed aspect… Continue reading Front End – Planning and Building “a performance driven and SEO friendly website” – Part II

JavaScript Development Best Practices

This post highlights the critical topics which any developer/team must know about and follow religiously to ensure that the end product (like website) is optimized from various aspects like performance, search engine optimization, user friendliness and many more. Front End Side Lazy loading – lazy load images, javascript or css of front end pages Image sizing and resolution – an appropriate… Continue reading JavaScript Development Best Practices

AWS DynamoDB Data Modelling

With this article, I intend to share my learning and experiences of modeling data using AWS DynamoDB. While writing this article, the following have been assumed: a viewer/ reader understands the NoSQL database basic concepts has basic understanding of AWS DynamoDB. If not, please visit the documentation at this link Design Best Practices I had… Continue reading AWS DynamoDB Data Modelling

Serverless Architecture Experiences

Until almost a year back, I had not heard of term “Serverless Architecture”. I had been using services like AWS Lambda (one of the biggest contributor in the success and ongoing movement of serverless architecture) and other services like AWS DynamoDB, AWS Elastic Map Reduce (EMR)and many more similar services, however, I didn’t encounter with this term. I had… Continue reading Serverless Architecture Experiences