JavaScript Development Best Practices

This post highlights the critical topics which any developer/team must know about and follow religiously to ensure that the end product (like website) is optimized from various aspects like performance, search engine optimization, user friendliness and many more.

Front End Side

  • Lazy loading – lazy load images, javascript or css of front end pages
  • Image sizing and resolution – an appropriate image sizing and resolution strategy can improve performance
  • Handle and render CSS efficiently
  • How limiting the number of records from back end can help faster page load
  • Using appropriate request headers while calling RESTful APIs etc.

Back End side

  • Limiting the number of records sent to front end
  • Appropriate API response headers


  • Use appropriate CDN ( Content Delivery Network)
  • Manual/ Automated deployment
  • Use a load balancer to evenly distribute your load
  • The benefits of caching and how to enable it
  • How can use of compression help in quick response time of users

By Neeraj Garg

Solution Architect with more than 14 years of experience in the IT industry. Expertise in architecting end-to-end solutions which are web based as well as big data based. Passionate about helping customers solve their business problems and thereby grow their business.

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