The Do’s and Don’ts of Data Sharing & Security in Connected Healthcare

In the current era, cybersecurity threats are prevalent, so it becomes vital to protect susceptible data such as healthcare records, patient documents, and more. The potential consequences of cyber-attacks on healthcare organizations are not confined to technological disruptions alone; they resonate across multifaceted dimensions, casting a shadow on the core of connected healthcare systems.  A… Continue reading The Do’s and Don’ts of Data Sharing & Security in Connected Healthcare

Unveiling the Vital Role of Cloud Computing in Healthcare

The healthcare sector is transforming digitally and has brought unprecedented opportunities and challenges both. As the volume of healthcare data keeps increasing, it becomes vital for organizations to maintain stringent security measures and compliance with regulatory requirements. Amid the challenges, cloud computing plays a critical role in shaping the future of healthcare. It helps doctors… Continue reading Unveiling the Vital Role of Cloud Computing in Healthcare

Decoding AWS Security: Exploring Challenges and Unveiling Solutions

Securing data within AWS (Amazon Web Services) remains pivotal in an age where cyber threats loom large. Understanding the challenges and solutions within AWS security is paramount. From misconfigurations to access control complexities, compliance issues, and evolving threats, businesses face a multitude of obstacles. Let’s delve into these challenges and explore viable solutions to fortify… Continue reading Decoding AWS Security: Exploring Challenges and Unveiling Solutions

AWS Cloud Security: Essential Considerations for Businesses

Cloud computing has become an increasingly popular choice for companies trying to grow their IT infrastructure, thus AWS security is a crucial item to think about. One of the most popular cloud platforms, AWS offers a variety of services that assist companies in growing and operating more effectively. But along with cloud computing’s advantages come… Continue reading AWS Cloud Security: Essential Considerations for Businesses

How Mobile Applications are Transforming the Healthcare Industry

The digital era has brought about transformative changes across various industries, with mobile applications playing a pivotal role in reshaping how we engage with services. Healthcare is one of the industries where the apps offer convenience, accessibility, and efficiency in the healthcare landscape. The health-tech industry is undergoing a surge, characterized by expansion and significant… Continue reading How Mobile Applications are Transforming the Healthcare Industry

Unraveling 5 Myths about Offshoring Software Development in Connected Healthcare

Introduction The offshore development industry has shown rapid growth in recent years propelled by the advancement in technology and globalization. Connected healthcare businesses are effectively investing in offshore development by leveraging the global talent pool, focusing on core competencies, reducing costs, and accelerating development cycles utilizing advanced communication tools.   Strategically partnering with offshore development teams… Continue reading Unraveling 5 Myths about Offshoring Software Development in Connected Healthcare

Test Automation ROI: How to Quantify and Measure It for Connected Health Apps

The pursuit of quality software delivery has never been more critical in the evolving connected healthcare landscape, and test automation has emerged as one of the most powerful allies. Test automation is a key component to ensure quality delivery with improved speed, reliability, efficiency, and more especially in connected healthcare.  While there is no question… Continue reading Test Automation ROI: How to Quantify and Measure It for Connected Health Apps

Rapid Implementation: Transforming Connected App Testing Through Automation

Connected health applications, EHR (Electronic Health Records) systems, and other platforms play a pivotal role in transforming how healthcare is delivered and managed. These platforms bring more convenience and efficiency to healthcare, streamlining communication between patients and care providers and monitoring health with ease.    Yet, amid transformative changes in healthcare, the patient-sensitive data and complex… Continue reading Rapid Implementation: Transforming Connected App Testing Through Automation

How do RPM (Remote Patient Monitoring) Solutions Help in Monitoring Chronic Diseases

Chronic diseases including heart, diabetes, cancer is one of the primary causes for the death and disability in the United States. Not only in the US, but the number has been rising over the entire nation. Report from CDC depicts that 90% of the nation’s $4.1 trillion in annual healthcare expenditures are for people with… Continue reading How do RPM (Remote Patient Monitoring) Solutions Help in Monitoring Chronic Diseases

A Step-by-Step Guide to Build an MVP for an RPM Solution

The digital healthcare ecosystem promises a bright future in the upcoming years with advancements in connected healthcare, interoperability, remote patient monitoring (RPM) and more. In recent years, RPM has become a vital component as it evolves rapidly while allowing healthcare organizations to treat patients suffering from a myriad of conditions. From offering insights into medical… Continue reading A Step-by-Step Guide to Build an MVP for an RPM Solution