End-to-end fully integrated hypertension management Remote Patient Monitoring solution

Client Background

Client is a global leader in the field of clinically proven, innovative medical equipment for health monitoring and therapy. It has a Global No.1 brand in digital blood pressure monitors.
The company also provides healthcare solutions which includes mobile apps, remote patient monitoring solutions and connected ecosystems to enable healthcare infrastructure consisting of doctors, hospitals, patients, and healthcare support staff.

Project Overview

Client wanted to develop a remote patient monitoring solution in the US with their “Going for Zero” mission to eliminate heart attack and stroke. This program is designed to allow patients the ability to take in-home blood pressure and/or weight measurements.

Business Requirements

Client wanted to develop a remote patient monitoring solution that let physicians monitor the patient’s vital data remotely.

Key features:

  1. Integrate into hospital EMR systems enabling physicians and care takers to order home monitoring kits, fulfilled by the client directly to patients home and manage patient health by reviewing health data integrated directly into EMR.
  2. For smaller physician offices, ability to order kits, view and manage patients’ health in real time on client’s proprietary secure web portal.
  3. Seamless and automatic sync of data from patient home to physician in real time.
  4. Admin portal for the client to manage orders and account relationships.
  5. Solution should
  • Connects to home monitoring devices
  • Show graphical view of health data, alerts in real time based on target readings set by the physicians
  • Financial calculations for insurance billing
  • Automated time tracking for interactions.


01. Time to Market
MVP was planned to be launched in 6 months to support patients during COVID

02. Technical

  • Scalable architecture
  • Highly secure to meet hospital security standards and reviews
  • Seamless and real time data sync
  • Extensible to support more patients and onboarding multiple hospitals and physician offices

03. Integrate with Multiple System

  • EMR
  • IoT devices
  • Order processing system of the client
  • Create a kit and shipping


01. Setting up the Foundation with the Right Engagement Model

    • We set up Agile team consisting of developers, leads and QA for MVP
    • Dedicated team of our experts:
Security consultant
Business Analysts
AWS Security Expert
  • Setup an Onsite+ Offshore Team

02. Define MVP and Plan Sprints.

03. Design Scalable Software Architecture
The connected ecosystem that we developed requires a complex architecture considering the ecosystem involves various moving parts. We decided to go ahead with the AWS cloud based serverless architecture which is designed to be scalable, secure and low maintenance with an ability to handle failure with alert mechanism. Here are some details:

  • AWS API gateway, Cognito, DynamoDB, S3 and Lambda (using Nodejs) to create RESTful API for quick response time and scalability as per demands.
  • Backend interaction was implemented using Nodejs in AWS lambda and AWS API gateway.

04. Web based Remote Patient Monitoring Solution for Doctors and Hospital Staff
We developed a web based remote patient monitoring system that supports the following features which enables

Hospital Staff Management

  • Onboarding which includes registration of hospital staff, physicians, care takers.

Patient Management

  • Onboarding of patients, ordering kits
  • View patient data
  • View patient’s vital stats like customer’s data like blood pressure, temperature, oxygen and weight readings data and add their prescription or add notes.
  • Analytics driven self-serviced reports based on the patient’s data.
  • Automatic tracking of time for clinical interactions

Billing Management

  • Automatic calculations to support billing.

05. Scalable and Secure Cloud Based Infrastructure to store patient’s data
We realize that patient data is extremely sensitive. Hence it needs to be secure. To enable maximum security, we used an AWS private cloud using AWS DynamoDB and AWS S3 for data storage and retrieval. Also, User Signup and Authentication was done using AWS Cognito services.

We setup an NOC team to ensure that any incident is tracked and closed as per the defined SLA. We implemented multiple monitoring tools from AWS to track.


By partnering with us for this project our client was able to get the following results.

A Fully Integrated Remote Patient Monitoring Solution
The solution that we developed for our client was not just a one-off solution but what we built was a fully integrated solution that encompasses combining hardware, software, middleware, and Cloud infrastructure to deliver a data-driven high quality Remote Patient Monitoring Ecosystem.

Significant Cost Savings on Server Cost
Using AWS Cloud services we were able to deliver a scalable and secure environment that reduced the server costs considerably.

Analytics Driven Reports
The system that we built could deliver analytics based self-serviced reports that consumes data for multiple years to help patients identify long term illness. Using this data, we could generate analytics that helped doctors make the right decision for their patients.

HIPAA Compliant Solution
The Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) that we developed is 100% HIPAA compliant which means we followed the best compliance practices in storing patient’s health data.